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Greyscale sketch of a cave. There are veins of ore visible in the walls, rendered in pink and purple to stand out. A lamp hangs from a wall to the left. Small puddles of water dot the ground. In the top right is handwritten text reading, 'Prompt 1 - Quicksilver'.

Prompt 1 - Quicksilver

For 2023 I was planning to restructure Apoctober to have fewer prompts over more time. I wanted to work on four prompts over 3-4 months, starting with sketches in September (Sketchtember), moving to lines in October (Inktober), then coloring and shading in December and January. No puns for those, sorry.
However, I think the same conglomeration of life circumstances that stopped me in 2022 were still hanging around, so when I got stuck on how to depict my idea for Chorus, I ran out of steam for the whole thing. Hopefully this year is different! ^^

So, my concept for this one was to show a silver mine. I don't know if silver in this world would be the same as real-world silver, or a similar-yet-different metal that goes by the same word. I'm leaning towards the latter, since I was planning to portray this metal in ore form as slightly iridescent. It's only pink here to stand out from the value-planning greys.

Program: Clip Studio Paint
Tablet: Artisul D16
Time taken: unknown